

House Rules


We will use Slack for most communication. Slack is a great place to ask questions related to an assignment or a concept in the learning materials. If you have a question, there is a high chance that another student has the same question so please do not be shy about posting. Posting on slack guarantees a higher response time from the teaching team and allows others to benefit from the answer. Also, Slack is a great place to share useful resources for this course such as reading material or videos on various HCI topics. For personal questions, please use email instead. 

Sas statement

Students requesting disability-related accommodations and services for this course are encouraged to schedule a meeting with me as early in the term as possible. This conversation will help to establish what supports are built into the course. In order for accommodations to be authorized, students are required to consult with Student Accessibility Services (SAS; student.accessibility.services@dartmouth.edu;) and to email me their SAS accommodation form. We will then work together with SAS to find the best options. If students have questions about whether they are eligible for accommodations, they should contact the SAS office. All inquiries and discussions will remain confidential.